Monday, February 29, 2016

"Would you like paper or plasma? That's the question book lovers face now that e-reading has gone mainstream. And, as it turns out, our brains process digital reading very differently."  -Raphael

The line above is a quote from an article on the Public Radio International website ( With the movement of "one to one" initiatives, technology in the classroom, and standardized assessments on the computer one must ask themselves is there a difference? 

According to this article, the more we read from a screen the less we use our "deep reading" part of our brains. To access this area, we must read from paper daily. Instructionally thinking, teachers need to make sure there is a balance between integration of technology and the good ol' fashion book and paper approach. 

Read on to find out more behind this research: 
Your paper brain and your Kindle brain...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

 "If (7th and 8th grade) teachers, and those who follow, were to require that kind of work 1-2 days per week through 12th grade, these kids would have 500-1000 pages of pre-college reading experience in those technical subjects alone... "  -Dr. Shanahan

Are we preparing our college bound students for success? The following article touches on why our Literacy Standards across all content areas are so crucial to student success in school and beyond. 

Here is the link to the blog:
Is it fair to expect college bound students to read?