Friday, December 19, 2014

Feeling overwhelmed with all the new data?  

Try using an inquiry based approach. This initiative can be powerful and help all those involved really think about the data and look at it from different angles. We are supporting schools throughout Region 3 on applying this inquiry process with their faculty.

One system in Region 3 is implementing this approach within all schools. They are taking data and analyzing it with their administration, instructional coaches, and teachers! This process, adapted from Harvard, is helping them truly impact student achievement and sustain this growth over time.


Monday, December 15, 2014

Does Oral Reading Fluency Matter?

YES! Slow, halted reading is linked to poor comprehension. This leads students to read less, which in turn results in their making slower progress in reading than more fluent readers.   More fluent readers focus their attention on making connections among the ideas in a text and between these ideas and their background knowledge. Fluent reading allows readers to concentrate more on comprehension. Less fluent readers must focus their attention primarily on decoding individual words. Spending cognitive energy to decode words leaves readers with little attention left for comprehending text. As a result, comprehension suffers.

Normed oral reading fluency rates are milestones for reading development.  Meeting these normed rates along the way will keep students on track for long-term academic success.

Promoting Fluency 

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Topic of the Month-Reading Automaticity and Fluency

The biggest obstacle to proficient reading for many students
is their lack of automaticity, or speed, in understanding words.
Most students, even those in the lowest quartile, can recognize
frequent words…eventually. The problem lies in the length of time
that it takes them to recognize even common words. Struggling
readers devote their energies to recognizing words, thus not attending
to the content of what they are reading. TextProject was started to
address this problem. Over the past decade, we have developed
a set of solutions aimed at increasing automaticity 
that includes student texts, word lists, webinars, and research.
for an overview of our resources.

A Focus on Fluency [Research Digest]